Last Week of Teaching

This week group 4 taught the fifth graders, and it felt good to finally not have the pressure of teaching. I thought this group did an amazing job and they were all very enthusiastic. I liked how they reviewed with the students the previous lesson, which was our lesson. I was very happy to see that the students knew the answer which meant that my group did a good job teaching. Group 4 had many effective techniques they used to get the students quiet. The one I enjoyed the most was "hands on your head if your can hear me, finger on your nose if you can hear me," I thought it was a good way to get the students attention without talking over them. Their cooperative learning lesson was very engaging and fun for the students. I liked how they had a teacher working together with a group to keep them on track and answer any questions the students had. I like how before the students presented they reviewed important ideas when presenting and how to act as an audience. The presentations were really well put together and you can tell the students really enjoyed it and it showed how much they learned throughout the lesson. Another thing I liked was how they asked the students to reflect on how they worked together in their group and what was something they thought they could do better. I thought all the groups did an amazing job teaching and planning our first lesson. We all learned a lot from these experiences and still have a lot to learn! 


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