One Week Before the Lesson

This week has been nothing short of stressful. My group and I have been working on our lesson plan for our lesson next week and we are doing very well, but it is very very stressful. Making the powerpoint isn't so bad, but coming up with activities for our inquiry and cooperative learning lesson is getting difficult. I'm happy now that Dr. Smirnova extended our teaching to 3 days. It allows us to plan more activities where we don't have to rush and overwhelm the students, as well as us. I'm very excited to teach next week, but I know the morning of I'm going to be so nervous I'll probably end up crying. Hopefully next week I'll be writing about how well the lesson went! But besides this class I have an English midterm the same day I have to teach so that is adding to my stress, but I'm trying to take it one day at a time. I know this is all a learning process and I'll learn ways to make lesson planning easier. 


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