Job Interview
Amanda did really well with her questions. I thought the questions made us think critically and they weren't questions that were "yes" or "no" or one word answers, but they made us explain ourselves and use examples from class and fieldwork experience. I liked her question about if she was a fly on the wall and how our future classroom would look. It was a fun question to think about to make us less nervous but also got a look into our minds to see how we are planning for the future. Another question I really liked was the one about if we had to choose a color how would it reflect our philosophy of teaching. It was a creative question and made us think outside the box. Instead of going in order of how the teacher candidates were sitting, she had us pick names from a group of our classmates names, which I enjoyed.
Michaela had us pick questions from a jar which I thought was very unique. She put the questions on colored paper and write with different colored pens. I loved it!! It showed how much effort she put into it. Since her topic was about technology she used her iPad to ask her questions which I thought was a good way to show how to use technology in all ways, not just in a classroom as a teacher. how One of the questions I liked was how we would use technology in the classroom but it had to be a creative way other than Kahoot. I liked that because everyone always uses Kahoot and its good to see that teacher candidates have other technology resources they can use.

Marie was very professional. She gave us time to think and come back to questions when we were struggling and I felt very relaxed with her. I like how she put us in a situation and gave us different questions about the scenario. It was a unique was to test our knowledge. Marie was very sweet and always gave us positive feedback. One question I thought was challenging was how we would use information processing in classroom.
Cierra had a lot of critical thinking questions, which was good to test our knowledge. I liked her animal question because it was very thought provoking. I thought her questions were pretty easy but that was good because it eased the pressure. She was very professional and curious of why we chose our answers, which I liked.
I enjoyed this experience because it let us get an idea of how an actual interview would happen and what types of questions they might ask. This was my first time doing something like this so I was very nervous. Although all the administers were my friends I was still extremely nervous, which shows how seriously I took it. Unfortunately the nerves got the best of me and I wasn't able to perform the way I know I could. I knew many of the answers but I blanked because I was so nervous. I know it is all a learning experience, so now I know what to expect for the future and I know what I need to improve on.
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