Teaching Our First Lesson

This week was all about lesson planning and teaching my first full class. Leading up to Tuesday, my group and I were busying planning for our direct instruction lesson. Although I was very nervous, I was also extremely excited. I walked into the classroom super nervous, but once I started talking it seemed so easy to me. All the nerves went away! I thought our first lesson went well, although we could have done more to get the students engaged, they did really enjoy the matching game with the white boards. I left the day feeling good and ready to plan our inquiry lesson for Thursday. For Thursday we did a QR code game and we planned out 6 stations for the students to rotate through. My group and I spent hours and hours preparing and and finalizing our lesson and activity, and we were feeling very confident and not nervous like last time. Thursday we played a game with the students called "Teacher vs. Class" where the students had to be on their best behavior in order to get a point. If we noticed the student were not following these rules the teachers would get a point. In the end the students won and were able to receive a special halloween prize. Now the QR code game could have went a lot better than it had did. The students had a hard time understanding it, even though we explained it and thought we did a good job making the clues easy enough for the students to get the answer. I was also very overwhelmed with the students being so loud and asking so many questions, which I know is one of the things that comes with being a teacher and I will have to learn to adjust to that. My group and I also over planned which made the students more overwhelmed because they had to get to much done in a short amount of time. I left that day feeling pretty horrible but I know it's a learning process and it's only my first time doing this so it will become easier with practice. Now we have one more day of teaching and thats Tuesday for our cooperative learning lesson. I think my group and I have a good start and I'm excited to teach this lesson because we have a lot of good ideas. Hopefully this lesson goes better than the last!


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